Friday, April 15, 2011

Trailer - Sapu Tangan Merah (Nazim Othman)

When I first watched it, it was because I was already in front of the telly, and was too lazy to move. However, magically, as I was watching, I develop the interest to know the end of the story. Initially, I really thought, it is just going to be another lovey duvey kinda stuff.

I did not go very far wrong, but again, the way the whole story being depicted was something which I do not expect to see on a Malaysian tv. It was a real honesty, a real sense of how the culture really is like. Sentimen memainkan perasaan bersalah, memaksa bila orang sudah tak mampu, suasana tertanya-tanya, suasana mengambil kesempatan - walaupun ada ikatan persaudaraan... so, this were the reasons I was glued to my seat, and was wide awake despite the fact that, I was really tired, and have to drive elsewhere.

Kudos, for I have to admit, Nazim played a very good part, in this movie, right from the very beginning when he woke up, open the window of his room, and saw his mom (in the movie) watering the plant.. I was wondering, what is next connotation to the rest of the movie.

The most dissapointing part was the 'kes ragut', as I mentioned in his fan FB, that the blood was not real, and I do have a phobia seeing, not the blood, but how he wanted to block the knife. 

The part which made me angry was the part, when his 'uncle' was lying to his mom, and concocted some made up stories about how he was working with him. I mean, that sound so damn familiar.... (so again he played the part being victimised well)

As for the his 'expression', I must say, the part when he panicked after he accidentally stabbed his uncle - that was real.. on his face...

The 2nd part was - when he was in front of the patrol car - I mean, that is so real, perhaps, I recall certain incidences, but let me spare those minutiae details, since it is not my thoughts that matters, but how he portrayed him self well...

Congrats to you Nazim. Hope you play better. To be honest, I seldom watch tv, and it was the first time, I saw you on TV, and when I checked I realised you acted in Awan Dania. So, I felt stupid for my ignorance not knowing that you are a 'prolific' actor...

Hope it is ok, that I borrowed your trailer for this article.. Thanks also for your response when I mentioned it in your FB


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