Inilah Dialog II (Ekonomi)
Selepas berdialog, bergambar la. Aku tahu, aku dah janji nak ceritakan bermula dari artikel yang sebelum ini. Well, diringkaskan, Dialog kali ini berkaitan dengan Ekonomi, untuk itu aku berterima kasih dengan Moderator - Sheikh yang amat mahir dalam bidang berkaitan. Seterusnya, aku amat kagum juga dengan soalan yang dikemukakan oleh pelajar yang datang dari seluruh Malaysia. Paling aku kagum, ulasan Tun M sendiri tentang ekonomi. Prof Shamsul Amri baru mengulas manifesto BN semalam diakhbar, yang aku baca, ialah Berita Harian, katanya - ekonomi paling sesuai diulas oleh mereka yang belajar, aku memang setuju dengan prof, so, manifesto BN itu agak relevant, since PM is also from Economics, tapi when Tun M can talk about economics to students, when he is a medical doctor by qualification and profession and his dominant career is a Prime Minister till retirement, that explains it all. He is a bona fide intellectual. Lagipun, he not only talk, he has proven it, not to Malaysian, but even to the world. What else is left to be said.About the event, well, thanks to all members, everyone did their best, especially to President, who made a huge effort here. My scope is minutiae je... Regarding the baju Melayu, well, it is Friday, and I think, KCD is not defined or seen as ultra Malay because of Baju Melayu. It is a respect to the Jumaat day itself. In fact, I think, the next time it will be on other days, so, it will be back to suit and tie.
Furthermore, Tun M realises that, since the entire dialogue was in English. As the present PM said, Melayu Glokal, I reckon, that is manifested. The entire philosophy is an an artistic adventure, apart from the intellectual objective.
We have a lot to learn......
(siapa yang aku maksudkan denga WE, tepuk dada, tanyalah selera...)
So, I summed it up the 2 Dialogue, ok. Yang previous one, biarlah kekal dalam memori.
Apa yang ditanyakan sewaktu bertemu Tun M, biarlah rahasia.... cuma aku dan seorang lagi...